Glen Youngblood
Glen Youngblood has held senior leadership positions within emergency medical services organizations including the former largest private provider of ambulance services in the New York tri-state area. Glen has been involved with development of mobile integrated healthcare programs which deliver improved population health outcomes by partnering health systems with emergency medical services providers.

Can Emergency Medical Dispatch Codes Predict Prehospital Interventions for Common 9-1-1 Call Types?
By Sporer KA, Johnson NJ, Yeh CC, Youngblood GM in Prehospital Emergency Care – 2008
When are Prehospital Intravenous Catheters Used for Treatment?
By Kuzma K, Sporer KA, Michael GE, Youngblood GM in Journal of Emergency Medicine – May 2009
Women are Less Likely than Men to Receive Prehospital Analgesia for Isolated Extremity Injuries.
By Michael GE, Sporer KA, Youngblood GM in American Journal of Emergency Medicine – October 2007
The Ability of Emergency Medical Dispatch Codes of Medical Complaints to Predict ALS Prehospital Interventions.
By Sporer KA, Youngblood GM, Rodriguez RM in Prehospital Emergency Care.
The Lighted Stylet: A Promising Tool for Airway Management in Trauma Patients.
By Barone JM, Clarke PG, Davis D, Tucker J, & Youngblood GM. Abstract and presentation at the Annual Conference and Resident Competition of the Connecticut Chapters of the American College of Surgeons and American Board of Surgery. December 1996.
Measurement Design Group member for EMS Compass (www.emscompass.org). From the site: Funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Office of EMS and led by the National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO), the EMS Compass initiative has engaged a wide range of EMS stakeholders to develop performance measures that are relevant to EMS agencies, regulators, and patients. The measures will be based on the latest version of the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) and will allow local and state EMS systems to use their own data meaningfully. Active from January 2015 to May 2016
"Critical Choices: Early Care of the Burn Patient." Provided technical advice on current prehospital care practices and special effects make-up for instructional/promotional video on new concepts in emergency care for burns. Video won 2 awards from film festivals in the non-fiction short film category. Producer: Barbara Moss.
"A System of Care: an Approach to the Abdominal Trauma Patient." Provided technical advice on current prehospital and air medical care practices, and special effects make-up for an instructional video on new concepts in emergency care for abdominal/multiple systems trauma. Producer: Barbara Moss.
"H.E.L.P." Provided technical advice on child CPR, role of dispatchers and paramedics in prehospital care, and NYC*EMS system components for one episode of a Paramount/ABC-TV series about NYC police, fire and EMS rescue workers.
AmeriCares. Developed prehospital training curriculum, ambulance equipment needs, and provided input for design of new Emergency Department and ambulance service for L' Hopital St. François de Salles in Port-au-Prince, Haiti for the Foundacion Soge Bank.
EMS Agenda for the Future. Peer-reviewer. October-December 1995
EMT-Paramedic National Standard Curriculum Revision. Peer-reviewer. January 1996-September 1997.
Sanders, Mick J., Mosby’s Paramedic Textbook, Mosby-Year Book (St. Louis, 1994), ReviewerJanuary 1998